There are two types of cannabis oil: CBD oil en THC oil. CBD oil has a few important advantages over THC oil:
• Legal: CBD oil is legally available, for example in our webshop.
• No high: There is no risk of a high when using CBD oil.
If you still want to use THC oil, for example because CBD oil did not have the desired effect for you, then read on. This page is all about THC oil.
What is THC oil?
THC oil is cannabis oil containing THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).
Where can I buy THC oil?
In any case, you cannot buy THC oil in our webshop. That would be illegal.
You cannot buy THC oil in the coffee shop either. Despite the Dutch tolerance policy, coffee shops are not allowed to sell THC oil.
If you want to buy THC oil, you have the following options:
• Specialized pharmacies
Specialized pharmacies
You can only buy THC oil completely legally from a pharmacy. At a pharmacy you can also blindly trust the quality. Pharmacies in the Netherlands that sell THC oil include:
• Transvaal Pharmacy in The Hague
• Cannabis care
However, many people cannot go down this road, because you must have a doctor's prescription.
Another disadvantage is that THC oil is relatively expensive at a pharmacy. THC oil is not reimbursed by health insurance. We are not aware of any health insurance that includes THC oil in the package.
Make your own THC oil
Both options for purchasing THC oil are far from ideal. We are aware of that. Fortunately, there is an alternative: making your own cannabis oil with THC. This is actually quite simple.
To make your own THC oil you will need:
1. Instruments
2. 'Coffee shop' cannabis
3. Drinkable alcohol of 96%
In our webshop you can find all tools buy what you need for making THC oil. The most important thing is a cannolator, but you will also need other hardware.
If you choose our package Cannolator complete, then you have all the necessary aids at home with one order.
On the page where we sell the aids, you will also find a clear step-by-step plan for making cannabis oil.
Coffee shop cannabis
In the roadmap to make cannabis oil we say you can use 'cannabis buds or trim waste'.
It is best to buy the necessary cannabis buds or cutting waste in a coffee shop. We do not recommend growing cannabis yourself. People have gotten into big trouble when they grew cannabis to make THC oil for their own use.
Tip: Let the coffee shop owner know for what purpose you want to buy the cannabis and see if you are properly served. A good coffee shop will have delved into the product 'cannabis oil'. If only to be able to advise customers properly.
Drinkable alcohol
Making THC oil involves a process called 'warm extraction'. In one of the steps of this process you use drinkable alcohol of approximately 96% to extract the THC from the plant material present. Then you evaporate the alcohol until not a drop of alcohol remains.
Use THC oil safely
If you plan to use THC oil, you naturally want it to be done safely. That is why we discuss the following aspects here:
1. How do you know if the THC oil is pure?
2. How can you prevent a high?
3. When should you absolutely not use THC oil?
How do you know if the THC oil is pure?
It is very important that the THC oil you take is free of impurities. When you buy THC oil from the pharmacy, you can rely on it blindly.
When making THC oil yourself, the purity mainly depends on the cannabis used. That is why it is so important that you buy cannabis from a quality coffee shop.
To be completely sure that the homemade THC oil does not contain any impurities, you can have the cannabis oil tested by a specialized laboratory.
If you buy THC oil via the gray circuit, ask the producer for a test report. Every self-respecting THC oil producer will have his/her THC oil tested for impurities by an independent laboratory and can provide a test report. Can't the manufacturer show a test report? Then send the bottle yourself to a laboratory. Canalyse is a laboratory that tests cannabis oil.
Of course, you do not have to test every bottle of THC oil. That would be a very expensive joke. A good time to test is when you change producers or coffee shops. After that, only randomly.
How can I avoid a high?
The intention is emphatically not to get high from THC oil, but that risk is present. You can limit the risk of a high by taking the right number of drops, but what is the right number? How many drops of THC oil can you take without getting high?
Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Every person is different and some get high faster than others. However, there is a method available to discover where the boundary lies. This is done as follows:
You start with a very low dose: one drop per time of intake. After a few days, increase the dose to two drops per time of ingestion. This way you periodically increase the dose a little bit until you get high one day.
Now it's a matter of riding out the high and taking a drop less THC oil next time. After all, you now know where your limit is.
For those who never smoke, a high is nothing to worry about. After a few hours it is over.
When should I not use THC oil?
You should absolutely not use THC oil in the following cases:
• Pregnancy: If you use THC oil during pregnancy, the THC can affect the growth of your unborn child. That is why you should absolutely not use THC oil if you are pregnant.
• Cars: If you still have to drive, you should not take THC oil. THC can affect your reaction speed. This effect also occurs if you don't get high.
• Doctor: Your doctor's advice always comes first. Although we have never heard of anyone being allergic to cannabis oil, there may be other reasons why your doctor indicates that you should not use THC oil.
Because of the risk of a high, it is wise to only use THC oil in a safe environment. Your own home is of course ideal for this.
More info
Would you like to know more about THC oil? Then take contact on with us. We are happy to help you.