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Everything about the popularity of terpenes

In recent years, cannabis has grown in public opinion from a dubious hobby among young people to all the rage worldwide - almost everyone now seems to be open to it. And rightly so, because it is a rich world in itself. Of course, that change was mainly due to the more flexible legislation, as is so clearly the case in the United States, for example.

Because there are more and more countries where you can simply use cannabis, the taboo automatically becomes smaller. And as a result, companies - even multinationals like Coca-Cola and Heineken - dare to at least consider incorporating cannabis into new products. Logical, because in this market there is simply a lot of money to be made. The smaller the taboo, the greater the audience.


The biggest success in this market to date is without a doubt cannabidiol, or CBD. This substance has no psychoactive effects, but is satisfying in other ways. So much satisfaction that the substance is used in many different products, such as soft drinks, face cream and items for a dog, cat or horse. According to a recent estimate, CBD sales in the United States alone will reach more than $2024 billion by the time we reach 20.

But that does not mean that CBD will undoubtedly remain the front runner, because other cannabis products are on the heels of the substance, with the latest competitor: terpenes.


Terpenes are an essential part of the cannabis plant; they ensure the smell, taste and effect of cannabis and there are several reasons why terpenes have now come onto the market as a specific component. Opinions differ quite a bit about what exactly those reasons are, but it is certain that they are not inferior to CBD products.

Terpen tea

A very good example of the social status terpenes are currently getting was Kim Kardashian West's baby shower.

The company True Terpenes, which, as the name suggests, sells products that use terpenes, including makeup and chocolate, was then hired to provide the invited guests with terpene tea.

"It's really nice that a family like the Kardashians, with such a wide reach, is helping to teach the world about CBD and terpenes," True Terpenes operations director David McLean told Yahoo Finance.

Terpene cocktails

And there are many more of the above cases. Take Sidecar, a bar in America where the bartenders use terpenes in the cocktails. Or look at the company Floraplex Terpenes, which does not use cannabis, but works very hard to market products that have the same effects as cannabis terpenes do.


But also the old-fashioned users of cannabis, who simply want to experience the psychoactive effects they are used to, are also getting their money's worth due to the growing popularity of terpenes.

For example, vaporizers have recently come onto the market that use all the technological tricks to increase the intensity of terpene flavors and the associated effects.

Buy terpenes

As you will notice, the most remarkable stories come from America - that is often the case. But other countries are far from lagging behind. And the Netherlands is also participating. In fact, terpenes are also available from us. Because after all the above examples you will undoubtedly become curious.