Welcome to our complaints page. It is of course annoying if you have a complaint about the services of Cannabisolie.nl.
We kindly ask you to report your complaint to the customer service department. This can be done per E-mail (with the subject COMPLAINT), regular mail or by telephone. Our customer service will review the complaint and try to resolve the complaint to everyone's satisfaction.
Our data:
cannabis oil.nl
De Droogmakerij 37 G
1851 LX Heiloo (postal address)
The Netherlands
IBAN: NL36ABNA0544350138
VAT: NL862771663B01
Chamber of Commerce: 83210784
E: info@cannabisolie.nl
M: 06-49937277
T: 072-2202189
After receiving your complaint, you will receive confirmation from us. We will answer your complaint within 14 days of receipt, if it needs more time, we will inform you. If this does not lead to a solution, it is possible to register your complaint for mediation via Stichting WebwinkelKeur. From February 15, 2016 it is also possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/odr. If your complaint is not yet under consideration elsewhere, you are free to deposit your complaint via the European Union platform.