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Why CBN crystals?

CBN crystals – also called CBN isolate – are the most concentrated CBN product currently available on the market. The CBN crystals consist of at least 99% pure CBN. During the extraction process of the active substances from the hemp plant, only the purest and most powerful form of CBN remains. Those are the CBN crystals.

Complex extraction process

To make CBN crystals, the extraction process goes through several stages. First, CBN is separated from the hemp plant, resulting in the preservation of CBN along with other cannabinoids, such as CBD, THC and other parts of the hemp plant. Secondly, a purification and filtration process follows, until ultimately only the CBN remains, often in the form of oil. The crystals are then isolated from the oil, hence the name 'CBN isolate'. Finally, the extract is filtered again, which separates the remaining waxy substances and oils from CBN. The end result is powerful CBN crystals, with a purity of up to 99%.

CBN crystals legal?

CBN crystals do not contain THC, making it a legal product in Europe.

Which applications?

CBN crystals are proportionately more powerful than CBN oil. This means that you generally need to use less than CBN oil. Some of the observed effects of CBN are similar to the benefits of both CBD and THC. The use of CBN always depends on the specific situation and the complaints of the individual. CBN may play a role in sleep problems, pain relief and relaxation.


CBN crystals can be used in different ways. For example, you can make CBN oil yourself by dissolving the crystals in a so-called 'carrier oil', usually hemp seed oil or MCT oil. Add the CBN crystals to the hemp seed oil or MCT oil. Heat the mixture using the bain-marie cooking technique. Stir for 5-10 minutes. The crystals will then dissolve in the oil. You then take the CBN oil by mouth. Swallow the drops after about one minute.

An alternative method for using CBN crystals is to incorporate them into care products and cosmetics. You mix the crystals with a basic cream, after which you can use it as a CBN cream for the skin. Pay attention to the dosage, since the concentration is high, you only need to apply a small amount of the skin product.

As a third option, you can dissolve the CBN crystals in drinks or take them purely orally. For example, you can mix the crystals with water, tea or juice, ingesting the CBN without tasting the taste. Due to the high concentration of CBN in the crystals, only a small amount is needed. Of course you can also take the crystals pure.

What dosage of CBN crystals?

As with many other CBN products, it is difficult to determine the ideal dosage for CBN crystals. This is because the effects of the CBN crystals differ from person to person. Every body is unique, so the optimal dosage may be different for each individual.

Always start with a low dose, for example 10 mg CBN. Then you can observe the reaction of your body and mind. Based on these observations, you can gradually adjust the dosage until you achieve the desired effect.