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Why CBD paste?
CBD paste is usually diluted with a vegetable oil such as hemp seed oil or olive oil. The end result is CBD oil. However, from us you can also buy pure CBD paste that has not been mixed with vegetable oil.
There may be several reasons to choose this paste over CBD oil:
• CBD paste can be used for filling capsules.
• CBD paste is a good alternative for people who cannot tolerate the taste of vegetable oils.
The CBD paste in our webshop has a concentration of CBD that is comparable to the strongest form of CBD oil.
Taking CBD paste
The paste with CBD that you buy from us comes in a 5 ml, 10 ml or 15 ml syringe. There are lines on the syringe to help get the correct amount of paste out of the syringe.
A commonly used method of intake is to measure the correct amount of CBD paste on a teaspoon and then take it. You can also use your finger instead of a teaspoon. It doesn't really matter.
CBD paste dosage
The optimal dosage of CBD paste can differ from person to person. The dosage of CBD paste depends on: the desired effect, your metabolism and the extent to which you are sensitive to CBD.
Some general guidelines for dosing CBD paste are:
Start with a low dose: We recommend always starting with a low dose, for example a drop of CBD paste the size of a grain of rice.
Increase in small steps: If you do not experience any noticeable improvement after a few days, you can slowly increase the dose. Then increase the dose per day in small steps, so take an increasingly larger drop of CBD paste.
Check the CBD content: The concentration of CBD in the paste can vary, so make sure you know how much CBD is in each drop of CBD paste. Our CBD paste has a strength of 50%. Half of the grain of rice therefore consists of pure CBD.
Give it time: CBD may take several days to weeks before you can experience its full benefits.
Remember that every person responds differently to CBD, so what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to listen to your own body and adjust the dose based on your individual needs and responses. It is also wise to purchase high-quality CBD paste from reputable manufacturers such as Dutch Hemp to ensure the accuracy of the CBD concentration.
Alternative methods
We have already mentioned that you can also use CBD paste to fill capsules. This is especially a suitable method for those who dislike the taste of CBD paste.
You can also choose to mix the paste with a vegetable oil of your own choice. CBD oil manufacturers usually use hemp seed oil or olive oil, but by purchasing CBD paste you can choose what to mix the paste with.
Finally, you can use CBD paste as an ingredient in cooking or baking. That's a nice way to combine a food supplement like CBD paste with your passion for cooking.
THC paste
In addition to CBD paste, there is also THC paste. You will not find THC paste in our webshop, because the sale of THC-containing products is contrary to the Opium Act.
It is possible to make THC paste yourself. You then follow the same process as when making THC oil, but stop once you have obtained the paste.
When using homemade THC paste, keep in mind that the concentration of THC is probably very high. This means that you can easily get high from THC paste.
More info
Would you like to know more about CBD paste? You can always contact us. Our specialists are happy to tell you more about CBD paste and our other CBD products.