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What is broad spectrum CBD oil?

Broad spectrum is English for 'broad spectrum'. CBD oil broad spectrum therefore contains a broad spectrum of active substances. These are CBD, but also CBN and CBG.

The main difference with full spectrum CBD oil is that a broad spectrum CBD oil does not contain THC and a full spectrum CBD oil does contain THC.

The amount of THC in full spectrum CBD oil may never exceed the legally permitted percentage of 0,05% (NL) or 0,2% (rest of Europe).

-Broad spectrum CBD oil contains: CBD, CBN and CBG.
-Full spectrum CBD oil contains: CBD, CBN, CBG and THC.

CBD oil broad spectrum = CBD oil pure

Warm extraction is used in the production of broad spectrum CBD oil. Certain cannabinoids such as THC are converted into pure CBD by heat. Broad spectrum CBD oil is therefore also called CBD oil 'pure'.

Due to this process, broad spectrum CBD oil contains relatively much CBD and little residue of other substances from the cannabis plant. Because of this purity, the name CBD oil 'pure' is often used for this form of cannabis oil.

CBD oil broad spectrum or CBD oil full spectrum?

The fact that broad spectrum CBD oil does not contain THC in addition to CBD does not always mean that broad spectrum CBD oil is the best choice for you. Every body is different and some people actually benefit from a combination of CBD with THC. These people are better served with CBD oil full spectrum.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say in advance which you will personally benefit from most: broad spectrum or full spectrum CBD oil. This is mainly a matter of trial and error.

Dosage CBD oil broad spectrum

As said, every body is different. This also means that it is not possible to say in advance which percentage of CBD is best for you. Broadly speaking, the following applies:

• Children and pets: 2,5% - 5%
• Adults: 5 – 10%

There is no universal guideline for CBD dosages. The right dose depends greatly on how your body and mind respond to CBD. Several factors, such as your gender, age, weight, genetics, biochemistry, metabolism and overall health, come into play.

That's why we recommend starting with a small amount of CBD and gradually increasing it over a longer period of time. Each CBD oil in our webshop states how many milligrams of CBD are in each drop. We recommend starting with approximately 10 mg CBD per day.

In general, an average CBD dosage is between 30 and 50 milligrams of CBD per day. The Cannabinoid Consultancy Netherlands has determined that the maximum daily dose of CBD may be 160 milligrams.

How to take?

The most direct way to take CBD oil is to place a few drops directly under the tongue. Use a mirror to count out the correct number of drops. We recommend taking 2-3 times per day. For example: in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Another way to take CBD oil is to count out the correct number of drops on a teaspoon.

If the bitter taste of CBD oil bothers you, you can also mix the CBD oil with water or another cold drink. Please keep in mind that oil does not mix easily with water. You can do better then water soluble CBD use.

More information about the use of CBD oil can be found in our online user manual.

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more about broad spectrum CBD oil? Then take contact contact our specialists. They can tell you everything about CBD oil and our other CBD products.